„I am no one special, just a common man with common thoughts. I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me, and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect, I’ve succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived. I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and for me, that has always been enough.” ~ Noah Calhoun
Love, as we think of it, grows up with time. It is first born as an innocent child, then it matures facing obstacles in life. Momentarily it comes fully alive again, but only to age and die in the end. But what never dies in love is the memories of it, and as long as we recall those moments, our love stays with us always and forever. This is how love can be seen in the Notebook, a great American romantic drama directed by Nick Cassavetes.
Back in 1940, a simple quarry worker Noah Calhoun gets captivated by a youthful 17-year-old girl called Allie, after the two meet at a funfair. Soon, they fall madly in love and experience a summer love affair. Noah takes Allie to an abandoned house and promises her that he will restore it and make it their own home one day. Allie’s mother Anne disapproves of her daughter’s romance with Noah and calls him worthless, to which Noah reacts furiously. The couple have an argument and break up. The next morning, Anne informs her daughter that they are moving back to Charleston. Getting to know that, Noah rushes to Allie’s house, but it is too late… The family are gone…
During World War II, Noah makes a decision to join the army and fight. At that time, Allie becomes a volunteer at a hospital for wounded soldiers, where she meets officer Lon Hammond Jr., a young lawyer. With time they get engaged, to the delight of Allie’s parents. After the war comes to an end, Noah returns home and makes up his mind to buy and renovate the memorable abandoned house with the intention of impressing Allie. When she finds out about it, Allie decides to pay a visit to the house and then…
Will Allie make a choice to leave Lon and stay with Noah?
Will Noah be able to reunite with Allie?
Will Allie and Noah live happily ever after?
Will they always remember their love?
You must definitely see it!
grow up / mature – dorastać
innocent – niewinny
face obstacles – zmagać się z przeciwnościami losu
recall – pamiętać, wspominać
quarry – kamieniołom
captivated – zauroczony
youthful – młodzieńczy
funfair – wesołe miasteczko
madly – (tutaj: bardzo mocno)
affair – romans
abandoned – opuszczony
restore / renovate – odnowić
disapprove – nie zgadzać się na coś
worthless – bezwartościowy
furiously – z wściekłością
have an argument – pokłócić się
break up – zerwać
rush – pędzić, biec
wounded – ranny
get engaged – zaręczyć się
to the delight of – ku zadowoleniu
make up one’s mind – podjąć decyzję
find out – dowiedzieć się
pay a visit – odwiedzić, złożyć wizytę