„What we do in life echoes in eternity”
It takes plenty of strength to become a true hero. Being persistent in such virtues as honesty, loyalty, bravery and goodwill is what makes the perfect protagonist of every story to tell. Gladiator is one of these, with the exception that it is one of a kind. Directed by Ridley Scott, the film presents the story of General Maximus whose ambition is to rise through the ranks of gladiatorial arena to avenge the murders of his family and his emperor.
In AD 180, General Maximus Decimus Meridius, the leader of the Roman army, returns home after a winning battle against Germanic tribes. There, he finds out that Emperor Marcus Aurelius would rather see him as his successor than Commodus, his own son whom the Emperor perceives unfit to rule. Getting to know that, Commodus murders his father, announces himself the new Emperor and asks Maximus to swear loyalty, to which he refuses.
Commodus has Maximus arrested and informed that he and his family will die. With luck, Maximus managed to break out of captivity and then he reaches Trujillo, where, after he buries his already dead wife and son, he passes out. Next, he is taken as a slave and sold to a gladiator trainer called Proximo. Being highly successful as a gladiator in local tournaments, Maximus ends up fighting in a mask in Rome’s Colosseum.
After yet another winning combat, Commodus enters the Colosseum to congratulate the masked gladiator. He orders Maximus to show his face and give his name. At his request, Maximus takes off his mask and says to Commodus: „My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.” Commodus is shocked at Maximus’ words and even more dismayed by the crowd who wishes Maximus to live…
No doubt all the movie is deeply touching. Each scene is intensified by the incredible soundtrack, created by the great Hans Zimmer, which evokes a range of sentimental emotions. Along the way, Maximus says: “What we do in life echoes in eternity.’’ Is there then a chance for Maximus to do what he has promised to himself in life?
Here are some comments on Gladiator from the FDC students:
„I really enjoyed watching that movie and I also think of it as of one of the best films in history.”
~ Klaudia
„I really like Gladiator because of the theme of the film. A dramatic story including love, hope, service for Rome and becoming a slave whose family were crucified.”
~ Kacper
„I really enjoyed this movie. It’s full of action, love, honour, courage and brothership help, all at the same time. The main character, Maximus, is the best example of a person who never gives up.”
~ Michał
strength – siła
persistent – wytrwały
virtue – cnota
with the exception – z wyjątkiem
one of a kind – jedyny w swoim rodzaju
rank – stopień
avenge – pomścić
tribe – plemię
successor – następca
perceive unfit – uważać za nieodpowiedniego
announce – ogłosić
break out of captivity – uciec z niewoli
bury – pogrzebać
pass out – stracić przytomność
tournament – turniej
combat – walka
at sb’s request – na czyjej żądanie
vengeance – zemsta
dismayed – zaniepokojony
evoke – wywoływać
range – (tutaj: wiele)